Our Progressive Practice


Progressive Barristers is deeply committed to access to justice. We are guided by the words of the former Chief Justice of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin that, “The most advanced justice system in the world is a failure if it does not provide justice to the people it is meant to serve.” We believe that everyone should be able to access legal expertise when they interact with the justice system, particularly when fundamental interests like a person’s human dignity, family, livelihood, or home are threatened.  

Legal services can be prohibitively expensive—but they need not be. We create value for our clients by keeping overheads low, and leveraging an array of legal technology and artificial intelligence solutions to work more cost-effectively. Our innovative and economical model of legal practice is designed to facilitate access to justice in the private market for legal services.

We litigate smarter, not bigger. We know that when it comes to legal problems, one size does not fit all. Not every case requires throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the opposing party. We are client-centered and offer bespoke, goal-oriented solutions. Our focus is on how our clients want to problem-solve and what they want to achieve. Our clients are full partners in crafting solutions that work. Sometimes this requires aggressive litigation; often it does not.

We understand that our clients place their trust in us at the most vulnerable moments of their lives, and we work hard every day to keep that trust. We approach our work from a progressive anti-oppression and trauma-informed perspective. We believe that far from being an intimidating encounter that leaves your ego bruised, visiting a lawyer should be a safe and empowering experience. Please read our Statement of Principles for more details on our commitment to providing you with such an experience.

We believe lawyers should deliver clarity, not confusion. You need plain answers, not an avalanche of legalese. We do our best to humanize the law, and we excel at translating complex legal concepts into language that everyone can understand. As Albert Einstein is thought to have said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Our legal understanding runs deep, and we are proud to enhance our clients’ appreciation of the law.